Product Documentation

Configuration File ElementsSettings Elements<log>

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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The log option indicates whether to log events such as errors that occur in FairCom RTG. This feature might be helpful for diagnostics purposes.






Specifies the log file name. If omitted, the log messages are redirected to the standard error stream (stderr).



Indicates the format of the log entry portion that prints which client application logged the entry.

The value of <log whoformat=""> is a character string that can contain substitution specifiers such as %p for process ID, %t for thread ID, etc.

The default value is <log whoformat="%08Xt>. This prints the thread ID ("%t") in uppercase hexadecimal format ("%Xt") with an 8 digits fixed width ("%8Xt") left-padded with zeroes (0) instead of spaces ("%08Xt") followed by a literal "> " as separator ("%08Xt> ").


Accepted Values





Turns on logging. This option has the same effect as turning on the <error>, <warning>, and <info> sub-options.

y, true, on, 1


Turns off logging. This is the default value.

n, false, off, 0

If the log option is enabled, it may accept the following sub-options to specify which event to log:

<debug> log option

  • The debug option indicates to log debug information.

<error> log option

  • The error option indicates to log errors.

<info> log option

  • The info option indicates to log generic information.

<profile> log option

  • The info option indicates to log performance profiling information.

<warning> log option

  • The info option indicates to insert a warning into the log file.

If the log option is enabled and no sub-options are specified, it has the same effect as turning on the <error>, <warning>, and <info> sub-options.


The following example turns on implicit logging of errors and generic information to standard error stream:


The following example turns on explicit logging of errors and generic information to file mylog.txt:

<log file="mylog.txt">




The following example turns on only error logging:




Substitution Specifiers

Substitution specifiers can be used in the <log file> configuration attribute. The <log file> attribute can contain substitution specifiers to build the log file name using (for example) an environmental variable.


The following setting creates a different log file for each Windows user:

<log file="%(USERNAME).log">yes</log>

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