Product Documentation

Configuration File Elements

FairCom RTG BTRV User Guide

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Configuration File Elements

The following sections describe the elements of a FairCom RTG configuration file. The configuration file is an XML file that contains two types of elements:

  • Structure Elements - These elements define the structure of the system, such as the server to connect to and any files that need special treatment. They include the <config> root element, the <instance> and<redirinstance> elements, and the <file> element.
  • Settings Elements - Each of the Structure Elements can have one or more Setting Elements, which specify the settings to be applied to the Structure Element, as explained in Settings Elements.

These elements are arranged in a hierarchy, as described in the next section, FairCom RTG Configuration File.

See Also

  • FairCom RTG Configuration - An explanation of configuring your system.
  • FairCom RTG Configuration File - An overview of the Structure Elements and Settings Elements defined in this section.
  • The FairCom RTG Configuration Tool - An example of a configuration file created with the Configuration Tool, which is an excellent starting point for understanding how to use the Structure Elements and Settings Elements. This tool also tests ctree.conf for correctness, so it should tell you if there is any problem with a ctree.conf you have edited by hand.
  • Note: FairCom DB is configured separately from FairCom RTG, as described in the Configuring the FairCom DB Server chapter of the FairCom DB Server Administrator's Guide. For a list of FairCom DB configuration keywords, see FairCom DB Configuration Options in the FairCom RTG V3 Update Guide.

In This Chapter

FairCom RTG Configuration File

Structure Elements

Settings Elements

Substitution Specifiers
