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c-treeRTG V2 Update Guide

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c-treeRTG V2 Quick Guide to Upgrade Procedures

Your c-treeRTG system can be upgraded to the latest version with very few changes. It is important to follow the procedures in this section to upgrade in a safe manner.

Upgrade to the latest c-treeRTG V2 Database Engine

While FairCom attempts to maintain backward compatibility when at all possible, transaction logs from earlier versions are not always compatible with newer c-treeRTG formats. For example, c-treeRTG V2 is built upon the latest FairCom Server (V11), which introduced changes in the transaction log to accommodate new capabilities. When backward compatibility is affected, then all of the steps in the following upgrade procedure are required. In cases where no backward compatibility exists, then steps 3 through 6 can be considered optional.

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned in the version-specific Update Guides, existing data and index files are usually not affected by transaction log changes.

It is easy to install and use c-treeRTG with your existing files by removing prior transaction logs in a safe manner. Follow these easy steps, which are appropriate any time you are upgrading a c-tree installation:

  1. Have all clients cleanly exit from the existing the c-tree Server.
  2. Perform a controlled shutdown of the c-tree Server with your normal shutdown sequence. Verify the c-tree Server shutdown was successful by looking for the following "Server shutdown completed" in CTSTATUS.FCS:

    - User# 00023 Server shutdown completed

  3. Block the ability of any clients to attach to the c-tree Server.
  4. Restart your existing c-tree Server with no clients attached and allow a successful automatic recovery to take place. This ensures all files are brought to a consistent state in the event there is any data remaining in the transaction logs.
  5. Perform another normal controlled shutdown of your existing c-tree Server.
  6. Remove existing transaction logs and associated files (L*.FCS, S*.FCS, D*.FCS, and I*.FCS).
  7. Copy your new FairCom Server executable (ctsrvr.exe or ctreesql.exe) into the existing c-tree Server directory.

    Note: Client compatibility can prevent connections to the new c-treeRTG database engine. It is always advised to use the most recent matching client version with your c-treeRTG server version. Version 11 of the FairCom Server introduced backward compatibility changes that affect c-treeRTG.

  8. Unblock the ability of any clients to attach.
  9. Start c-treeACE in your usual manner and begin accessing your existing data.
  10. Optional - for SQL users: Sqlize your tables using the sqlize utility or ctutil -link. The V2/V11 version of c-treeACE SQL Explorer provides new features, such as highlighting sqlized tables in different colors, checking for bad records, and adding SQL indexes (see c-treeACE SQL Explorer). If you want to use these features, you will need to sqlize after upgrading to c-treeRTG V2 even if you have sqlized in an earlier version of c-treeRTG.

For more information, see the Knowledgebase in the online documentation.

c-treeRTG Component Upgrade

You may need to recompile existing runtimes. Although recompiling it is not strictly necessary, it is recommended. See the setup section for your compiler in the c-treeRTG User's Guide for details.

SQL Driver Upgrades

c-treeRTG includes a collection of SQL drivers to allow relational access through a variety of interfaces:

  • JDBC drivers
  • ODBC drivers
  • PHP modules
  • ADO.NET drivers
  • Stored Procedure frameworks

To upgrade the drivers, simply run the c-treeRTG installation program again. You do not need to uninstall the existing drivers before upgrading.
