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c-treeRTG V2 Update Guide

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Sqlize Tutorial

c-treeRTG provides many new opportunities for your COBOL applications. One of the most exciting is opening your data to SQL access. To take advantage of direct SQL access, you perform a process called "sqlizing," which prepares your data for full read/write SQL access without affecting access from your existing COBOL applications. c-treeRTG avoids the tedious task of normalizing existing tables.

A new sqlize tutorial guides you through the process of making your data ready for SQL access. The step-by-step instructions provided in the Tips for Advanced Sqlizing chapter of the c-treeRTG User's Guide explain the entire process. Depending on the structure of your data, you may need to use some of those techniques to sqlize your files.

The xddgen utility is used to map your COBOL data to SQL. This utility extracts file definitions directly from your source and creates a schema required for SQL access. Using information provided by xddgen, c-treeRTG directly maps COBOL tables to SQL. Your COBOL application continues to access your same data with no changes required.

The xddgen utility may be able to sqlize your data without any modifications to your copybook. In certain situations, your data will be structured in such a way that will require you to add compiler directives to your copybook to tell xddgen explicitly how to handle your data types. You will not need to restructure your data or rewrite your application. Simply add COBOL compiler directives to the source file as comments, which avoids all compilation issues.

Look for the sqlize tutorial in the \Driver\ctree.cobol\tutorials path of your c-treeRTG installation.

See also:
