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FairCom DB V12 Updates

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Up to 15 Percent Faster with Increased Default Index Page Size


Index node page size is an important performance attribute to consider. Page size is equal to a node size within the index binary tree. Each index node is a single I/O to and from persisted storage into a single allocated buffer cache page. There is a direct one to one mapping of cache pages to index nodes.

Ideally, the page size should be configured as close to the I/O read/write block size used by the operating system. In many OS environments this is 4K. Selected storage systems allow tuning this system parameter for optimum database performance. However, a larger c-tree page size can still take advantage of multiples of system block I/O. Modern storage systems generally have enough redundant capacity that I/O operations are completed even when power is lost. It is still recommended that uninterruptible power supplies (UPS; battery backup) are used to ensure absolute data integrity at all times.

The default page size has been 8192 bytes since V8.14 for FairCom servers. The default for V12 has now been increased to 32768.

Larger Page Size Benefits

Numerous performance tests have shown increasing the default index page size (standalone sect parameter) can bring big gains to overall performance. Increasing the page size brings several beneficial properties to an index:

  • Larger nodes contain more keys per node which can be read per I/O reducing overall I/O.
  • Larger nodes allow more keys per tree level reducing overall tree depth. Shallower tree depth results in faster index searching.
  • Larger nodes allow more efficient storage of larger keys. (c-tree enforces a three key per node minimum.)

32K Page Size Default

For V12, FairCom has increased the default server page size to 32768 bytes. Internal FairCom testing consistently shows up to 15% gains in overall throughput with a 32K page size. This confirms much evidence from the field with high performance applications using larger page sizes.

Page size is set with the PAGE_SIZE parameter in ctsrvr.cfg.


Be sure to review your current c-tree page size usage compared with this new default. FairCom strongly encourages thorough performance testing using the new page size with your specific application based on the compatibility information below.

Warning: Changing the PAGE_SIZE is a maintenance task that should be done carefully and with a full reliable backup. Practice on a copy of your data and server folder until you are confident with the results. For procedures, see Adjusting PAGE_SIZE in the FairCom Installation Guide.

Note: A file created with a larger PAGE_SIZE cannot be opened by a server with a smaller PAGE_SIZE.
