Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Release Notes

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c-treeACE SQL APIs

In This Section

ADO.NET Provider Exception Classes Made Serializable

ADO.NET Provider - Improved Handling of NUMERIC Type

ADO.NET Provider - Changed TINYINT Handling from byte to sbyte

ADO.NET Provider - Charset Option in Connection String Is not Longer Ignored

ADO.NET Provider - Improved Connection Pooling

ADO.NET Provider - CtreeSqlDataReader Close() No Longer Aborts Automatic Transactions

ADO.NET Provider - FcSQLException Constructor Now Thread-Safe Preventing Initialization Errors

ADO.NET Provider - Last Byte Now Returned from LONG Columns with Length Less than Three

ADO.NET Provider - OUT Stored Procedures Parameters Now Correctly Set

ADO.NET Provider - OUT/INOUT SP parameters not set to NULL

ADO.NET Provider - Prevent Reusing a Disposed CtreeSqlConnection

ADO.NET Provider - Removed Unexpected Assert Exceptions

ADO.NET Provider - SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable() Now Returns Correct Information

ADO.NET Provider - Prevent Mixing Transaction Contexts

ADO.NET Provider - Improved Exception Handling

ADO.NET Provider - Corrected -20123 Error When Updating Rows with LONG Fields

ADO.NET Provider - Corrected LVARCHAR Empty String Handling

ADO.NET Provider - Improved Handling of FLOAT, DOUBLE, and REAL Data Types

ADO.NET Provider - Corrected TimeStamp Values Returned

ODBC - Infinite Loop Corrected in Client Driver

ODBC - SQL_C_DEFAULT Now Correctly Maps BIGINT to 64-bit Integer

ODBC - SQLBindCol with NULL Indicator and ROWSET Size > 1 No Longer Crashes Client

ODBC - SQLExecDirect with Parameters Set to SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC No Longer Generates Client Crash or Syntax Error

ODBC - SQL_ROWSET_SIZE Attribute Now Returns Correct Number of Rows

ODBC - SQLGetData Memory Overwrite Corrected

ODBC - SQLGetInfo Returns Corrected Information

ODBC - SQLGetTypeInfo Returns Corrected Information

ODBC - SQLNativeSql Now Returns Correct Statement Length

ODBC - SQLSetCursorName Corrected Buffer Addressing

JDBC - Character Set Can Now Be Specified in the Connection URL

JDBC - Allow Disabling Socket Timeout

JDBC - Corrected Error -26049 (Invalid column number) During SELECT ... FOR UPDATE Query

JDBC - Corrected Exception When Character Set Not Provided In URL Connection String

JDBC - Driver.connect Method Now Compliant with Incorrect URL Handling

JDBC - LVARCHAR Empty String Now Correctly Returned

JDBC - Improved Type Conversion Error Message

JDBC - DatabaseMetaData.getTable Now Conforms to JDBC Standards

JDBCjava.sql.Connection.isValid Now Returns Correct State

PHP - Components Now Match non-Thread-Safe Defaults for Windows IIS PHP Installations

PHP - Integer Values Now Correctly Handled

Direct SQL - ctsqlSetParameter Memory Corruption Corrected

Direct SQL - Corrected ctsqlNumericToString and ctsqlStringToNumeric Unicode Handling

DSQL - ctsqlExecute() Unhandled Exception Corrected
