Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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No+SQL Integration Enhancements

For over 15 years, FairCom has blended SQL and NoSQL into an integrated database. With over 20 interface technologies providing full read/write access to your data, c-treeACE is the original multimodel database. V11 continues this advanced integration of SQL over NoSQL data with our unique No+SQL solutions.


No+SQL Highlights

Integrating SQL and NoSQL into a single database, c-treeACE delivers new capabilities that are not possible with any other database. With V11, we are expanding our full SQL capabilities over your NoSQL data with features such as the following:

  • Multi-Schema Table™ support allows a single table with multiple record types to appear to SQL as multiple virtual tables, each with a single schema. This flexible combination of NoSQL data with SQL APIs is very powerful for blending the performance and control of NoSQL with the standards and ease of integration afforded by SQL.
  • The FairCom exclusive FILESET feature allows for efficiently querying hundreds or thousands of physical files, eliminating the overhead of a SQL View.
  • SQL Data Arrays unlock sub-records in scenarios where records may contain multi-schema data. An exclusive c-tree algorithm creates a virtual table for each sub-record type, allowing a SQL query to access this traditionally NoSQL data. Note: This technology is tightly coupled with, and dependent on, our customer’s proprietary data formats and requires close communication between our team and yours. Call your nearest FairCom office to discuss your proprietary data challenges.
