Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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c-treeACE SQL Explorer

c-treeACE SQL Explorer is a comprehensive tool to view and manage all objects contained in your database. Create new databases, tables, indexes and constraints. Even view and manage your stored procedures, triggers and UDFs Export to comma separated values is also possible for use with other needs.

  • Execute Custom c-treeACE SQL Statements
  • Load, Edit and Run c-treeACE SQL Scripts Interactively
  • View query execution plans to profile and examine complex queries for optimization analysis
  • Create and Manage Databases
  • Create, Alter and Drop Tables, Views, and Indexes
  • Create and Drop Stored Procedures and Triggers
  • And Much More

c-treeACE SQL Explorer Screenshot

Updated in V11

  • An option was added to the Server Manager dialog in the .NET version of the c-treeACE SQL Explorer to allow setting a specific Charset for SQL connections.
  • Greatly extended CSV data export options.
  • Handling of comments inserted in the statement window has been greatly improved.
  • CTRL+A now selects all the text within the SQL Statement window.
  • Support for millisecond Time and Timestamp values has been added.
