ALTER functionality has been extended for multiple SQL actions, including views, indexes and tables.
Now, an existing view can be replaced with a new view definition, retaining existing view permissions (which would be lost with DROP VIEW/CREATE VIEW).
ALTER VIEW customers_by_zip AS SELECT cmname, cmaddress FROM custmaster ORDER BY cmzipcode;
ALTER INDEX for Renaming Indexes
ALTER INDEX now supports renaming an index or adding a new storage attribute such as partitioning
ALTER INDEX oi_ordrnumb_idx ON ordernum RENAME TO new_oi_ordrnumb_idx;
ALTER INDEX co_ordrdate_partidx ON custordr STORAGE_ATTRIBUTES 'partition=QUARTER(co_ordrdate)';
ALTER TABLE for Renaming Tables
ALTER TABLE now supports renaming tables, columns, and constraints.
ALTER TABLE custmaster RENAME TO archive_custmaster;
ALTER TABLE custmaster RENAME COLUMN cmzipcode TO cmzipcode_plusseven;
ALTER TABLE orderitem RENAME CONSTRAINT oi_ordrnumb TO new_oi_ordrnumb;