Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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Retrieve Current Server Date and Time

In V11 and later, two modes were added to the c-treeACE GETNAM() API function (full name GetSymbolicNames) to retrieve the current server-side date and time:

  • CURTIME - Retrieve the current server time expressed as the number of seconds since 01/01/1970. This was implemented for a 4-byte buffer.
  • CURTIMETM - Retrieve the current server time in the local time (timezone, daylight, etc). This mode retrieves a buffer of ctTM time, which is similar to the regular "struct tm" type.

A new c-treeDB function was added in parallel:

CTDATETIME ctdbServerDateTime(CTHANDLE hSession)

where hSession is a session handle.
