Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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c-treeACE SQL Direct SQL sqlda cursors

A new function, ctsqlNewDACursor, was added. This function provides a convenient way to access sqlda information through a high-level API without the need to use the c-treeACE SQL Direct SQL infrastructure.

The ctsqlNewDACursor function takes a sqlda as a parameter and returns a pCTSQLCURSOR. The sqlda passed in must stay valid until the cursor is freed. It is the programmer’s responsibility to free the cursor and the sqlda.

Limitations on the CTSQLCURSOR:

  • Operations on LVB/LVC/BLOB/CLOB columns return SQL_ERR_FENOTSUP error.
  • ctsqlNext moves within the boundary of the sqlda (i.e., can be used to move to the next record in the sqlda); once the records in sqlda are finished it returns CTSQL_NOTFOUND.
  • The sqlda is considered to contain only 1 record even if it contains multiple records.

Note: These functions are intended for internal API usage and are documented solely for completeness of API available.
