Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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Improved Error Handling for Replication Agent HTRN_ERR (520)

When files are copied to a target replication server, index files contain transaction high-water marks that can conflict with new transaction numbering of incoming replicated transactions. It is very possible error HTRN_ERR (520, high transaction mark error) may be observed in the replication exception log when this occurs. It is likely the first transaction that replicated to this file fail with this error.

The Replication Agent will now attempt to handle HTRN_ERR errors by aborting and retrying the transaction. Retries are not attempted if the Replication Agent is using the following option:

exception_mode operation.

Note: With this change, it is no longer necessary to run a CLNIDXX operation (using the ctclnidxx utility, the !CLNIDXX dynamic dump restore option, or the AUTO_CLNIDXX ctsrvr.cfg option) prior to accessing the target server's copy of the file.
