Product Documentation

c-treeACE V11.0 Update Guide

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Limit Replication Debug Utility Output to Specific Files

The ctrepd utility now supports an option to specify the data files whose activity it is to display. To use this feature, specify the ‑lf:<filename> option (lower case "lf" as in "limit file") when running ctrepd. <filename> is the name of a text file containing data file names, one per line, which can include wildcards. If a file name matches one of the file names specified in this file, ctrepd will display its activity.


Create the file files.txt containing these two lines:



Then run:

ctrepd 1 0 -w -n -lf:files.txt -f -m FAIRCOMS

ctrepd will only show the activity for these files.

Note: When using this option, the following entries are shown:

- Record add, delete, and update operations are shown.

- File open and close entries are not displayed because they are not of interest.

- Transaction begin and commit entries are not displayed.

ENDTRAN entries for transactions that have one or more operations for files in the filter list are displayed because they contain the time stamp at which the changes were committed.
