Product Documentation

V11.5 Update Guide

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Replication administration utility (repadm) upgraded to latest statistics version

Two fields have been added to the RASTAT structure, which holds the Replication Agent statistics:

LONG8 nsalt; /* successful alter schema operations */

LONG8 esalt; /* failed alter schema operations */

The structure version has been changed from 1 to 2. The repadm utility now checks that the version used by the Replication Agent matches its structure version. If the versions differ, repadm outputs the following error message and terminates:

Error: Replication agent stat version (<agent_stat_version>) does not match repadm utility stat version (<utility_stat_version>)

Older versions of the repadm utility do not check this version. Because these fields were added at the end of the structure, the old utility can still read the fields that are present in the version 1 structure. The Replication Agent detects an agent that supplies a structure that is the size of the original structure and returns only those fields.
