Product Documentation

V11.5 Update Guide

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Server Manager store file is now interchangeable between Windows and Java

The GUI tools requiring server access, both Windows and Java versions, save the servers connection options and credentials in a file called ACEServers.xml. The storage format has been modified so files used by the Windows and Java versions of the tool are now compatible. The tools accept both the old and the new file format. Only the new format is interchangeable between the Windows and Java tools. The Windows tools automatically convert the file from the old to the new format.

Note: The ACEServers.xml file must be converted by a Windows tool before it can be copied to the Java directory. The conversion can be done by simply starting one of the updated FairCom Windows GUI tools that requires server access (e.g., c-treeACE Monitor) and then closing it. The file will be located in the tool's working directory.
