Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.0 Release Notes

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Corrected Dynamic Dump File Extensions for Non-TRANPROC Files

A situation was observed in which c-treeACE failed during a dynamic dump and the following message was noted in the CTSTATUS.FCS log:

CTSTATUS message: getfile: 0xff fill 522 bytes at offset 0:f903f3ax

Due to a miscalculated size, the 'FF' fill that this message reports could write past the end of the buffer, corrupting the heap. To resolve this, the fill is now limited to the buffer size.

Note: This miscalculation only applies to non-transaction controlled files being dumped without the !PROTECT option and a non-zero !EXT_SIZE and the total dump size larger than the first segment. For transaction controlled files, it is more likely that a failed system I/O would lead to this crash condition.
