Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.0 Release Notes

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ALTER TABLE now Disables Transaction Support for Partition Files

When a SQL ALTER TABLE operation is used to create a partition index on a large table, c-treeACE SQL could terminate with an out of memory error, such as a terr(7496) or CMEM_ERR (602). The alter table operation normally creates files with transaction control disabled to avoid the performance overhead of transaction logging. However, when a new partition is created, c-treeACE closes and reopens the partition, which caused transaction logging to be enabled for that partition.

When transaction control is active and records are added to the file, the records are written to pre-image space until the transaction is committed at the end of the alter table operation. For a large file, this will result in significant memory use and possibly exhaust memory depending on the size of the data file. Logic has been modified to specifically avoid the transaction control for alter table operations on partitioned files.
