Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.0 Release Notes

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TCtDataSet Fields Property Type Has Changed in c-treeACE VCL

The c-treeACE VCL Fields property of the TCtDataSet class had overwritten the generic Fields property of the TDataSet class (the parent of TCtDataSet). c-treeACE VCL used a type of TCtField while the parent field type was of TField. As the TCtField type is meant for internal use, it has been renamed CtField.

As a result of this change, c-treeACE VCL now has the default generic Fields property from TDataSet available in TCtDataSet and there are two ways to retrieve field information:

  • TCtTable.Fields[<field index>] works exactly as TCtTable.FieldByName(<field name>)
  • With TCtField, specific information remains available as TCtTable.CtFields[<field index>]
