The following lists new methods added to the c-treeDB .NET interface (FairCom.CtreeDb.dll)
ClearSavePoint() - Added new method
CloneTable() - Added new method
GetFirstPartition() - New method added
GetLastPartition() - New method added
LoadCallBackLib() - Added new method
NextInBatch() - New method added
UnloadCallBackLib() - Added new method
ISAM .NET Additions
A .NET ISAM-based assembly (FairCom.Isam.dll) provides direct ISAM functionality to .NET developers for specific needs. Additions have been made to this assembly as follows:
CtThrdAttach() and CtThrdDetach() - New methods
GetCtFileInfo() - New modes: partitions; directory; paths; namesGetFieldBinaryFlag() - New methods
GetSymbolicNames() - New modes: partitions; directory; paths; names