Product Documentation

c-treeACE V10.3 Update Guide

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Full version and build date available to clients

The c-treeACE Server's "mini" version number, build date, and base build date (if any) are now available to clients. The cfgVERSIONID2 array entry of SYSCFG() holds the mini version and build date values and cfgVERSIONID_BASE holds the base build date value. These new values allow a client to display the same full server build date that the c-treeACE Server displays.

The ctadmn utility and ctdbGetProductVersion() have been modified to include these values in the version string.

The function ctGetVERSIONID2() is used to retrieve the mini and build date values from the SYSCFG() cfgVERSIONID2 value. ctGetVERSIONID_BASE() is used to retrieve the base build date (if any) from the SYSCFG() cfgVERSIONID_BASE value.
