Now we will discuss transaction processing as it relates to the FairCom DB API Java API.
Transaction processing provides a safe method by which multiple database operations spread across separate tables/files are guaranteed to be atomic. By atomic, we mean that, within a transaction, either all of the operations succeed or none of the operations succeed. This "either all or none" atomicity ensures that the integrity of the data in related tables/files is secure.
Like all other examples in the c-tree tutorial series, this tutorial simplifies the creation and use of a database into four simple steps: Initialize(), Define(), Manage(), and You’re Done()!
Tutorial #4: Transaction Processing
Here we demonstrate transaction control.
Note our simple logic:
public class JTDB_Tutorial4 {
static CTSession MySession;
static CTTable tableCustOrdr;
static CTTable tableOrdrItem;
static CTTable tableItemMast;
static CTTable tableCustMast;
static CTRecord recordCustOrdr;
static CTRecord recordOrdrItem;
static CTRecord recordItemMast;
static CTRecord recordCustMast;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, CTException {
// TODO code application logic here
We suggest opening the source code with your own editor.
Continue now to review these four steps.