Product Documentation

TutorialsTransaction ProcessingInit

FairCom DB API API for Java

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First we need to open a connection to a database by providing the FairCom Database Engine with a user name, password and the database name.

Below is the code for Initialize():

static void Initialize() throws IOException {


try {

// allocate the session object

MySession = new CTSession(SESSION_TYPE.CTREE);

// allocate the table objects

tableCustOrdr = new CTTable(MySession);

tableOrdrItem = new CTTable(MySession);

tableItemMast = new CTTable(MySession);

tableCustMast = new CTTable(MySession);

// allocate the record objects

recordCustOrdr = new CTRecord(tableCustOrdr);

recordOrdrItem = new CTRecord(tableOrdrItem);

recordItemMast = new CTRecord(tableItemMast);

recordCustMast = new CTRecord(tableCustMast);

} catch (CTException E) {



try {

// connect to server

System.out.println("\tLogon to server...");

MySession.Logon("FAIRCOMS", "", "");

} catch (CTException E) {





