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FairCom C# Stored Procedures

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Quick Start - .NET Development

About .NET Stored Procedures

Microsoft .NET framework provides a common runtime functionality for Windows applications. This allows a consistent and comprehensive programming model for Windows developers. Extending platform flexibility for Windows developers, FairCom DB SQL now supports stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers within the .NET framework.

Key Features

  • SP, UDF, and triggers can be written in any language that compiles to a CLI
  • Exposes SQL classes similar to ADO
  • Client-side debugging or attach to the server
  • Support for Visual Studio 2017

With this new .NET support, your Visual Studio IDE is used to create, edit, and debug SPs, UDFs, and triggers. A new API is provided along with Visual Studio templates for complete .NET integrated development. Compile on your client and deploy binaries to your server. Both C# and Visual Basic templates are provided.

A tutorial, which follows our standard FairCom tutorial model, is provided in:


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