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FairCom DB SQL Utilitiesctsqlutl - FairCom DB SQL Table Maintenance Utility

SQL Operations Guide

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ctsqlutl - FairCom DB SQL Table Maintenance Utility

The FairCom DB SQL table maintenance utility, ctsqlutl, is available as a general purpose utility to perform maintenance on FairCom DB SQL databases. This includes renaming tables and columns.

The ctsqlutl utility syntax is as follows:

ctsqlutl [command] arg1 arg2 ... argn [options]

Valid Commands:

  • -rencol: rename column: arg1= Table name arg2= Current column name arg3= New column name

    Renames a column within a specified table.

  • -rentbl: rename table: arg1= Current table name arg2= New table name

    Renames a table.

Valid Options:

  • -o: Owner of table
  • -d: Database name (default: ctreeSQL)
  • -s: FairCom DB SQL Server name (default: FAIRCOMS)
  • -u: UserID for logging into FairCom DB SQL
  • -a: Password for authentication
  • -h: Display usage help
