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FairCom DB SQL Types SDKImporting Tables Into FairCom DB SQLBuilding the callback libraries

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Building the callback libraries

The only source modules used to build the callback libraries are ctsqlcbk.c and ctcbklib.c. Under Windows systems we also need ctsqlcbk.def to build the FairCom DB SQL callback library, and ctsqlimp.def to build the import utility callback library.

The callback libraries have no dependencies on FairCom DB or c-treeDB API libraries. Only the header files are referenced.

Below are example makefiles you could use to build the ctsqlcbk.dll for Windows. Unix shared library files are quite similar, and you should consult your local compiler documentation for details.

Note: The compiler and FairCom DB paths will need to be adjusted for your particular development environment. You may wish to investigate your own compiler options and flags based upon your unique needs.

In This Section

Example Server Callback Makefile

Example Import Utility Callback Makefile

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Example Server Callback Makefile


# Your c-treeSQL callback dll makefile


# Operating Sys: MS-Windows NT/XP (Intel)

# Compiler: Visual C/C++ (v6.x , v12.xx.xxxx) -VC98: 32bit

# Memory Model: Flat Memory Model

# Protocol: TCP/IP Sockets


# PATH Definition Section

mtBAS =mtmake # m-tree's Base

coBAS =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98 # Compiler's Base

coBIN =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\bin # Compiler's BIN

coBINB=C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\Common\msdev98\bin # Compiler's BINB

coLIB =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\lib # Compiler's LIB

coINC =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\include # Compiler's INCLUDE

fcBAS =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI # FairCom Base

fcSRC =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\ctree\source # FairCom Source

fcINC =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\ctree\include # FairCom Include

fcTOM =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\custom.sql # Custom client Settings

# Compiler/Linker Macro Definition Section

# Object File Switch



.SUFFIXES: .c .obj

CP = copy

CPP= $(coBIN)\cl

CC = $(coBIN)\cl

LIBRARIAN = $(coBIN)\lib

RC = $(coBINB)\rc

IMPLIB = $(coBIN)\implib

LINKPP = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:windows -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

LINK = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:windows -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

LINK3 = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:console -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

CFLAGS = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

CFLAG2 = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

CFLAG3 = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

# Make the following components

ALL :: ctsqlcbk.dll

ctsqlcbk.dll: ctsqlcbk.obj ctcbklib.obj

$(LINK) /DLL /MACHINE:IX86 /DEF:ctsqlcbk.def /OUT:ctsqlcbk.dll ctsqlcbk.obj ctcbklib.obj

ctsqlcbk.obj: ctsqlcbk.c

$(CC) -I$(fcINC) -I$(fcSRC) -I$(fcTOM) $(CFLAG2) ctsqlcbk.c

ctcbklib.obj: ctcbklib.c

$(CC) -I$(fcINC) -I$(fcSRC) -I$(fcTOM) $(CFLAG2) ctcbklib.c

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Example Import Utility Callback Makefile


# import utility callback dll


# Operating Sys: MS-Windows NT (Intel)

# Compiler: Visual C/C++ (v6.x , v12.xx.xxxx) -VC98: 32bit

# Memory Model: Flat Memory Model

# Protocol: TCP/IP Sockets


# PATH Definition Section

mtBAS =mtmake # m-tree's Base

coBAS =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98 # Compiler's Base

coBIN =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\bin # Compiler's BIN

coBINB=C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\Common\msdev98\bin # Compiler's BINB

coLIB =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\lib # Compiler's LIB

coINC =C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\include # Compiler's INCLUDE

fcBAS =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI # FairCom Base

fcSRC =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\ctree\source # FairCom Source

fcINC =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\ctree\include # FairCom Include

fcTOM =D:\fc8\ctreeSDK\ctreeAPI\custom.cli # Custom client Settings

# Compiler/Linker Macro Definition Section

# Object File Switch



.SUFFIXES: .c .obj

CP = copy

CPP= $(coBIN)\cl

CC = $(coBIN)\cl

LIBRARIAN = $(coBIN)\lib

RC = $(coBINB)\rc

IMPLIB = $(coBIN)\implib

LINKPP = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:windows -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

LINK = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:windows -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

LINK3 = $(coBIN)\link -subsystem:console -debug:full -debugtype:cv -pdb:none

CFLAGS = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

CFLAG2 = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

CFLAG3 = -c -DWIN32 -D_X86_=1 -GX $(fcDDD) -Zi -Od

# Make the following components

ALL :: ctsqlimp.dll

ctsqlimp.dll: ctsqlcbk.obj ctcbklib.obj

$(LINK) /DLL /MACHINE:IX86 /DEF:ctsqlimp.def /OUT:ctsqlimp.dll ctsqlcbk.obj ctcbklib.obj

ctsqlcbk.obj: ctsqlcbk.c

$(CC) -I$(fcINC) -I$(fcSRC) -I$(fcTOM) $(CFLAG2) ctsqlcbk.c

ctcbklib.obj: ctcbklib.c

$(CC) -I$(fcINC) -I$(fcSRC) -I$(fcTOM) $(CFLAG2) ctcbklib.c
