Product Documentation

ODBC Conformance NotesODBC Error Messages

FairCom ODBC

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ODBC Error Messages

General SQL error messages are documented on-line in the Error Code Reference. Aside from the SQL error messages, there is another known error that may occur when using FairCom DB ODBC Driver with Crystal Reports. This error may occur when generating reports that require a left outer join between tables. The cause of this error is due to the syntax used by Crystal Reports when creating the SQL statement. Users can specify the proper syntax to use by changing a key in the Windows registry. For more information about how to change the registry, please refer to this document: How to Resolve the Join Syntax Errors in Crystal Reports 9. Or search the SAP Community Network for: Crystal left outer registry.

ODBC Driver-Specific Errors

Driver-specific errors are listed on-line in the Error Code Reference.
