Product Documentation

FairCom ODBC

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Driver Login Timeout

The FairCom DB ODBC Driver for Windows supports a configurable timeout on driver connection login. An application can set the login timeout by calling the SQLSetConnectAttr() ODBC API function with the SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT attribute and a timeout value.

/* Set the Login timeout to 5 seconds */

SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, (void*)SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, 5, 0);

This timeout sets the maximum time for which the ODBC driver waits for the connection attempt to FairCom DB SQL to complete. If the connection attempt does not complete in the specified time period, the ODBC driver fails the connection attempt with the following error:

20212, "Error in Network Daemon".

The default login timeout value is 15 seconds.
