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Transaction Log Increases

The most likely cause is a transaction that has been active for awhile and one or more other clients are filling transaction logs with their transaction activity. The server must keep the log containing the transaction begin log entry until the transaction either commits or aborts.

Questions to consider

  • Is there more than one client executing transactions?
  • Is there one client that has a transaction that doesn't commit for a relatively long time?

Steps to take

  1. Look in CTSTATUS.FCS for messages “The number of active log files increased to ...” and locate the explanation below those messages. It will probably have a message as follows:

Transaction (started in log <log_number>) still pending.

User# <taskid> |<username>|<nodename>|

  1. If this is the case, identify what client that is and determine what it is doing. Is it expected that the client has a transaction that has been pending for so long?
  2. If there is a different explanatory message than the above, please send CTSTATUS.FCS to FairCom support to examine.
