FairCom provides the FairCom DB Clean Transaction Water-Mark utility, ctclntrn, to reset the high-water mark transaction numbers in your index files.
In the event of an impending transaction number overflow, the server administrator should follow these steps to restart transaction numbering:
The server will create new transaction logs and start transaction numbering from 1 again.
It is important to run ctclntrn on all files. If you miss any files and later open that file with a large transaction number in its header, the server will again increase its transaction number to that large value. You will need to repeat this procedure should that occur.
FYI: The ctclntrn utility uses the CleanIndexXtd() FairCom DB function. This function cleans any leaf nodes of exceptional transaction marks and resets the transaction high-water mark in the header to zero. This avoids rebuilding the entire index file.
You can use the FairCom DB High-water Mark Utility, cthghtrn, to verify that the transaction high-water marks in the files are back to zero, or other reasonably low number.
Tip: The AUTO_CLNIXX YES configuration option can help automate and detect files which have been missed.
See Also