This chapter provides reference material on the FairCom DB SQL Java classes and methods. The following table lists all the methods in the FairCom DB SQL Java classes and shows which classes declare them. Following sections are arranged alphabetically and describe each class and its methods in more detail. Some methods are common to more than one class.
Methods in the FairCom DB SQL Java Classes
Method |
SQLI-Statement |
SQLP-Statement |
SQLCursor |
DhSQL-ResultSet |
DhSQL-Exception |
Purpose |
setParam |
X |
X |
X |
Sets the value of an SQL statement’s input parameter to the specified value (a literal, procedure variable, or procedure input parameter) |
makeNULL |
X |
X |
X |
Sets the value of an SQL statement’s input parameter to null |
execute |
X |
X |
Executes the SQL statement |
rowCount |
X |
X |
X |
Returns the number of rows affected (selected, inserted, updated, or deleted) by the SQL statement |
open |
X |
Opens the result set specified by the SELECT or CALL statement |
close |
X |
Closes the result set specified by the SELECT or CALL statement |
fetch |
X |
Fetches the next record in a result set |
found |
X |
Checks whether a fetch operation returned a record |
wasNULL |
X |
Checks if the value in a fetched field is null |
getValue |
X |
Returns the value of the specified field from the fetched row as an Object. |
getParam |
X |
X |
X |
Returns the value of the specified OUT/INOUT parameter as an Object. (This method is called after executing a CALL statement). |
registerOutParam |
X |
X |
X |
Registers the return type of the OUT and INOUT parameters. |
set |
X |
Sets the field in the currently-active row of a procedure’s result set to the specified value (a literal, procedure variable, or procedure input parameter) |
makeNULL |
X |
Sets a field of the currently-active row in a procedure’s result set to null |
insert |
X |
Inserts the currently-active row into a procedure’s result set |
getDiagnostics |
X |
Returns the specified detail of an error message |
log |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Writes a message to the file sql_server.log. Inherited by all the FairCom DB SQLFairCom DB SQL classes. See Debugging Stored Procedures. |
err |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Writes a message to the file sql_server.log. Inherited by all the FairCom DB SQLFairCom DB SQL classes. See Debugging Stored Procedures. |