Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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Configuring the FairCom DB Service

The FairCom DB service has two configurable properties: the Startup Type and Logon User.

The Logon User and the Startup Type (see the following Figure; Windows Service configuration options) can be set using the Windows Services Control Panel applet. To do so:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel by clicking Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Select the Services applet. You will be presented with a list of the installed services (see the following figure, the Services applet in the Windows Control Panel):

    c-treeACE Windows Service

  3. Select the FairCom DB service, then double-click it or right-click and choose Properties.
  4. The service configuration options window will appear (see the following figure, the Windows Service configuration option). Set the Startup Type and Logon User, as desired.

    Windows 2000 Service configuration options

Note: The Microsoft Windows Services Control Panel applet is the preferred method for service configuration, and other administration, such as starting/stopping the service. The FairCom DB ctntinst.exe command no longer ships with the product as of V10.3.
