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FairCom DB Configuration OptionsTransaction ProcessingDELAYED_DURABILITY

Database Administrator's Guide

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DELAYED_DURABILITY <N> (default 0) controls whether or not to use a modified log syncing strategy.

With delayed durability enabled transaction logs are no longer sync'd to persisted storage on each commit (or other internal log buffer flush events) and instead, transaction log data is allowed to be written to the filesystem cache, and a background thread then periodically and consistently syncs transaction log contents to disk.

By allowing committed transaction entries to be written to filesystem cache and deferring the file flush can result in a very large performance gain in many cases. However, there is a trade off as a window of potential data loss vulnerability is then introduced. The period of time that transaction log contents are present in volatile filesystem cache before the flush could mean transactions already reported to the application as committed, in rare cases, might not make it to persisted storage.

With many modern storage devices there is a limited presumption that available capacitance on the system and storage device hardware that data is usually persisted even in a power outage situation, though this is not guaranteed. Thus alternate recovery strategies should be considered.

One strategy to coordinate the known state of committed database transactions with a known application state can be achieved with restore points. Restore points can be triggered by an application to create a known point in time where the application and the database are in sync. A restore point creates a special database transaction log checkpoint that can be later referenced by the application as a known good start point.

With delayed durability enabled, it is recommended to consider the use of restore points for a robust recoverable solution.

  • When DELAYED_DURABILITY set to 0 disables delayed durability/
  • When DELAYED_DURABILITY is set to a positive value, <N>, the new strategy is in use and the log sync is guaranteed to occur within <N> seconds. A setting of 1 second is recommended because it results in a good performance gain (higher values offer very little additional benefit). The following configuration options are set as shown below:



    (no idle flush of transaction files)









    (no commit delay)



    (all transaction indices use ctLOGIDX)




Note: If the configuration file has one or more of these configuration entries set inconsistently after the DELAYED_DURABILITY entry, the server logs a message to CTSTATUS.FCS and continues to start, disabling any incompatible options after processing the configuration file.


When DELAYED_DURABILITY is enabled, recently committed transactions could be lost if FairCom Server terminates abnormally. For automatic recovery to succeed after FairCom Server terminates abnormally, either of the following should be considered.

  1. The application must write a restore point to the log (using the ctflush utility or calling ctQUIET() with mode of ctQTlog_restorepoint) such that a restore point exists prior to the time the server terminated abnormally. In this case, automatic recovery recovers to that restore point.


  2. ctsrvr.cfg must contain the option RECOVER_TO_RESTORE_POINT NO, indicating that no restore point is needed. In this case, automatic recovery recovers to the last data that was written to the log on disk. This is the default configuration.
