Product Documentation

FairCom DB Configuration OptionsDatabase BackupDYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER_INTERVAL

Database Administrator's Guide

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<blocks> specifies the number of 64 KB blocks that are written before the DYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER sleep is performed.

The DYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER option causes the dynamic dump to pause for the specified number of milliseconds each time it writes 64 KB of data to the dynamic dump stream file. For large backups, even the smallest DYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER value of 1 millisecond adds significant time to the dynamic dump. For example, 100 GB = 1600000 * 1 ms. = 1600 seconds of additional time.

Note: If a value greater than 5000 is specified for DYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER_INTERVAL, the value is set to 5000. If a value less than 1 is specified, the value is set to 1.

This option can be set by the ctSETCFG() API function. A new menu option to set this value has been added to option 10 of the FairCom DB Server Administration (ctadmn) menu.



Causes the DYNAMIC_DUMP_DEFER sleep to occur after every 64 KB * 16 = 1 MB of data written to the dump stream file.
