Product Documentation

FairCom Server InstallationLicense Authorization File

Database Administrator's Guide

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License Authorization File

The License Authorization File is a binary file containing unique licensing information assigned by FairCom. This licensing information permits the FairCom Server technology to operate on a specified operating system, to support specific features, to support a fixed number of concurrent users and/or connections to the FairCom Server technology, and to utilize a fixed number of CPUs on the host machine.

The license file is named ctsrvr-<SN>.lic where <SN> is the unique Serial Number assigned to your server instance and provided by FairCom. This file will need to be properly placed in the same directory where the FairCom Server binary is located, for example:


If this licensing file isn’t present, you'll receive a 960 error in your CTSTATUS.FCS status log upon startup:

"LICENSE ERROR: License initialization failed: Missing license file."

The Developer/Professional edition of the FairCom Server includes a ctsrvr-<SN>.lic file configured to support up to 32 concurrent connections and can operate on up to 2 concurrent CPU cores (as reported by the operating system which may include physical CPUs, CPU cores, or virtual CPUs assigned to a partition).

Development servers are licensed exclusively for development and testing purposes and only by the developer who is the license holder. They are expressly not authorized for production use. Should you need additional licenses for testing or if you wish to test with a license file supporting a greater number of connections or CPUs, please contact your nearest FairCom office.

When purchasing a production FairCom Server license, you will receive a ctsrvr-<SN>.lic file via e-mail, along with a “Proof of Entitlement” document that summarizes the configuration of your FairCom Server license file.
