Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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FairCom DB supports a configurable limit on the number of delete node queue entries that FairCom DB processes when it is shutting down. If the option DNODEQ_SHUTDOWN_LIMIT is specified in the configuration file, then when FairCom DB shuts down, if there are more than the specified number of entries in the delete node queue, the delete node thread writes all the unique queue entries to a disk stream file named DNODEQUE.FCS. A memory-based index file is used to eliminate duplicate queue entries, and only the unique entries are written to disk. If the number of unique entries is less than DNODEQ_SHUTDOWN_LIMIT, those entries are returned to the delete node queue and are processed by the delete node thread before FairCom DB finishes shutting down.

DNODEQ_SHUTDOWN_LIMIT 0 causes FairCom DB to process all entries in the delete node queue when shutting down.

FairCom DB always attempts to open and read all entries from the file DNODEQUE.FCS into the delete node queue at startup, regardless of the DNODEQ_SHUTDOWN_LIMIT setting. The FairCom Server deletes the file DNODEQUE.FCS after populating the delete node queue with its contents.

An administrator can delete the file DNODEQUE.FCS before starting FairCom DB to avoid processing these persistent delete node queue entries.
