Product Documentation

VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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constructor Create();

The constructor for the TCtRecord component.


destructor Destroy();

The destructor for the TCtRecord component. Do not call Destroy directly. The object has to be destroyed with the inherited (TObject) Free() method.


procedure Allocate(AOwner : TObject);

Allocate a new record buffer. AOwner must be a TCtTable object.


procedure Clear();

Clear and initialize the record buffer.


procedure Delete();

Delete the current record.


function Duplicate() : TCtRecord;

Duplicate the current record buffer. The duplicated record buffer shares the same context id of the source record buffer.


EstimateSpan(key1 : Pointer; key2 : Pointer) : Integer;

Estimates the number of keys between key1 and key2.


function FieldLength(FieldNumber : Integer) : Integer;

Retrieve the actual field length.


function FieldNumber(FieldName : String) : Integer;

Retrieve the number of the field given the field name.


function FieldSize(FieldNumber : Integer) : Integer;

Retrieve the declared field size.


function Find(FindMode : CTFIND_MODE) : Boolean;

Find a record. The valid find modes are given in section 4.2. Set target values in the fields that compose the index before calling Find. Find returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on the search result. Only use the mode CTFIND_EQ if the index doesn't allow duplicates.


function FindRowid(ARowid : CTROWID; AFindMode : CTFIND_MODE) : Boolean;

Find a record based on its rowid.


function First() : Boolean;

Locate the first record of a table. First returns TRUE if the record is found, FALSE otherwise.


function GetFieldAsBigint(FieldNumber : Integer) : Int64;

Retrieve the field data as an Int64 (64 bit) value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure GetFieldAsBinary(FieldNumber : Integer; var buffer : string);

Retrieve the field data as a binary value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsBoolean(FieldNumber : Integer) : Boolean;

Retrieve the field data as boolean value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsCurrency(FieldNumber : Integer) : CTCURRENCY;

Retrieve the field data as a CTCURRENCY (64 bit) value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsDate(FieldNumber : Integer) : TDate;

Retrieve the field data as a TDate value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsDateTime(FieldNumber : Integer) : TDateTime;

Retrieve the field data as a TDateTime value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsFloat(FieldNumber : Integer) : double;

Retrieve the field data as floating point value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsSigned(FieldNumber : Integer) : Integer;

Retrieve the field data as a signed integer value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure GetFieldAsString(FieldNumber : Integer; buffer : string);

Retrieve the field data as a string value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsTime(FieldNumber : Integer) : TTime;

Retrieve the field data as a TTime value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetFieldAsUnsigned(FieldNumber : Integer) : LongWord;

Retrieve the field data as an unsigned integer value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


function GetRecordLock() : CTLOCK_MODE;

Retrieve the record lock mode.


function GetRowid() : CTROWID;

Retrieve the record rowid.


function IsFieldNull(FieldNumber : Integer) : Boolean;

Determine if the given field is Null.


function Last() : Boolean;

Locate the last record in a table. Last returns TRUE if the record is found, FALSE otherwise.


procedure LockRecord(Mode : CTLOCK_MODE);

Lock the current record. The valid lock modes are given in “c-treeVCL/CLX Definitions”.


function Next() : Boolean;

Locate the next record in a table. Next returns TRUE if the record is found, FALSE otherwise.


NumberOfKeyEntries(IndexNumber : Integer) : Integer;

NumberOfKeyEntries(IndexName : String) : Integer;

Returns the number of entries in the index given by IndexNumber or IndexName.


function Prev() : Boolean;

Locate the prior record in a table. Prev() returns TRUE if the record is found, FALSE otherwise.


procedure Read();

Re-read the current record.


procedure RecordSetOff();

Turn off a record set operation. Record sets are established by a call to RecordSetOn().


procedure RecordSetOn(TargetLen : Integer);

Turn on record set operation.

When record set is enabled, the record operations will be substituted by the set operations. This means that, when record set is enabled, operations like First will search for the first record in the set instead of the first record in the entire table.

Just one record set can be enabled for each Record Handle. If you need more than one record set enabled at the same time, you must have more than one Record Handle. To disable and free an existing record set, use RecordSetOff().


procedure Release();

Release all resources associated with a record buffer. Do not call this method for the ActiveRecord() record buffer of a table.


procedure Seek(Value : CTOFFSET);

Locate a record given its record offset address.


procedure SetFieldAsBigint(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : Int64);

Update the field data as an Int64 value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsBinary(FieldNumber : Integer; var buffer : string);

Update the field data as a binary value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsBoolean(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : Boolean);

Update the field data as a boolean value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsCurrency(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : CTCURRENCY);

Update the field data as a CTCURRENCY value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsDate(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : TDate);

Update the field data as a TDate value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsDateTime(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : TDateTime);

Update the field data as a TDateTime value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsFloat(FieldNumber : Integer ;Value : double);

Update the field data as a floating point value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsSigned(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : Integer);

Update the field data as a signed integer value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsString(FieldNumber : Integer; var buffer : string);

Update the field data as a string value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsTime(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : TTime);

Update the field data as a TTime value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure SetFieldAsUnsigned(FieldNumber : Integer; Value : LongWord);

Update the field data as an unsigned integer value. The record manager will automatically perform the necessary data type conversion.


procedure UnlockRecord();

Release the lock for the current record only.


procedure Write();

Update an existing record or add a new record.
