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VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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Public Properties


property Active() : Boolean;

Read the contents of this property to check if the record buffer has been cleared by a call to the Clear() method. If True, this property indicates that the record buffer represents data read from disk; if False, the record has been cleared. Set this property to False to clear the record buffer (this is equivalent to invoking the method Clear, but the data fields are not modified or cleared).


property DefaultIndex() : Integer;

Use this property to read or to change the current default index. Index numbers range from zero to TCtTable.IndexCount-1;


property Edited() : Boolean;

Use this property to check if a record buffer was modified by one of the SetFieldAs() method. Set this property to true to force the record buffer edited flag to true.


property FieldCount() : Integer;

Use this read only property to obtain the number of fields in the table.


property Offset() : CTOFFSET;

Use this property to retrieve or set the record offset.


property RecordCount() : LongWord;

Use this read only property to obtain the number of records in the table.


property RecordLength() : Integer;

Use this read only property to obtain the length in bytes of the current record.


property RecordSize() : Integer;

Use this read only property to obtain the allocated size in bytes of the current record.
