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FairCom ISAM for C

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Server-Side Queues

With FairCom DB server-side queues, client programs, connected to the same server, can pass information among each other, emulating a powerful inter-process communications mechanism that is portable, scalable and distributed.

FairCom DB server-side queues, also referred to as "system queues," extend the concepts of c-tree inter-thread queue routines by providing two additional features:

  • Server-side queues operate across the client/server boundary.
  • Server-side queues can be named so that different clients connected to the same FairCom Server may share the same queue.

Server-side queues provide the foundation on which the FairCom Server’s file notification feature is built. See the next chapter in this guide for details on the file notification feature.

Using Server-Side Queues

This section discusses the tasks involved in using system queues:

  • Creating or opening a server-side (system) queue
  • Writing to a system queue
  • Reading from a system queue
  • Retrieving the size of the next message in a system queue
  • Retrieving the number of messages in a system queue
  • Closing a system queue

The next sections explain these tasks in detail.



In This Chapter

Creating or Opening a Server-Side Queue

Writing to a Server-Side Queue

Reading from a Server-Side Queue

Retrieving the Size of the Next Message in a Server-Side Queue

Retrieving the Number of Messages in a Server-Side Queue

Closing a Server-Side Queue
