Finds a file in the file system given a name.
NINT ctDECL FindFileByName(pTEXT infilnam,NINT opcode,pTEXT outfilnam,pVRLEN poutfillen);
Short Name
This function allows file searches using the wildcard characters ‘?’ and ‘*’. The ‘?’ identifies a single character wildcard position while a ‘*’ specifies any number of characters.
FindFileByName opcode |
Explanation |
ctFILWCDfindfirst |
start new search |
ctFILWCDfindnext |
find next file |
ctFILWCDfindclose |
terminate current search |
Note: The wildcard logic finds all files matching the wildcard specification — there is no check that the file is a c-tree data or index file. The wildcard logic also finds memory files whose names match the specified filename.
Value |
Symbolic Constant |
Explanation |
0 |
No error occurred. |
See FairCom DB Error Codes for a complete listing of valid FairCom DB error values.
Example pseudocode
#define MAX_SIZE 1024 /* 1K buffer size */
int ListLength = MAX_SIZE
pText pFilelist;
pFileList = (pText) malloc (sizeOf(pText) * MAX_SIZE);
memset(pFileList, 0, MAX_SIZE);
if ((rc = ctFILWCD ("jrnl*.dat", ctFILWDfindfirst, pFilelist, ListLength)) != 0 ) {
printf("ctFILWCD did not execute successfully (%d).\n, rc");
ctFILWCD() does not translate path separators between client and server and does not provide a way to re-read the name of a file if the specified buffer is too small to hold the entire filename.