Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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Set the high-order 4 bytes of an 8-byte record address.

Short Name



Low-Level function


NINT ctSETHGH(LONG highword)


Call ctSETHGH() before a routine requiring a record address as an input parameter to set the high word value for the function.

To minimize the effect on performance in client/Server environments, ctSETHGH() does not make a separate call to the FairCom Server. Instead, the information supplied by ctSETHGH() is cached on the client side.


ctSETHGH() always returns NO_ERROR (0). See FairCom DB Error Codes for a complete listing of valid FairCom DB error values.


/* Assumes a key length of 14 (8 bytes for HUGE duplicate support) */

LONG recadr_hw,recadr_lw;

pTEXT keyval;

keyval = "123456";

/* Remember, the high word counts the number of 4GB multiples contained **

** in the composite 8 byte record address. Therefore, recadr_hw = 2 and **

** recadr_lw = 512 means a record address of 8,589,935,104 */

recadr_hw = 2;

recadr_lw = 512;

/* set higher order 4 bytes of record address */


if (AddKey( /* add key value to index */

9, /* index file number */

keyval, /* pointer to key value */

recadr_lw, /* lower order 4 bytes of record address */

REGADD /* regular add mode */


printf("\nAddKey error = %d", uerr_cod);


The recbyt parameter in this function is a 4-byte value capable of addressing at most 4 gigabytes. If your application supports HUGE files (greater than 4 gigabytes), you must use the ctSETHGH() and ctGETHGH() functions to set or get the high-order 4 bytes of the file offset.

See also Record Offsets Under Huge File Support.

See also

