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FairCom ISAM for C

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Process All Files Forward and Backward

Frequently, the newest and most relevant data is appended at the end of data files, for example, application audit logs and other time series captured data. While indexes can be used for reverse traversal, reading records backwards from the end of the file toward the beginning is the fastest method to process this data.

FairCom DB has always been able to read records backwards using an index, or when resources are not enabled on a data file. For example, you can create an index on RECBYT and use it to read records backwards in the order they are stored in the data file. This is fast, but it is even faster to read records directly out of a data file without using an index.

This enhancement allows FairCom DB to read records backwards directly out of a data file without using an index. It only applies to data files containing fixed-length records. Data files containing variable-length records still require an index to read records in reverse order.


  • This enhancement works when the database runs as a server supporting one or more clients (client-server mode).
  • It also works in non-server single-user mode and non-server multi-user mode.
  • This new functionality does not affect the client library. Thus, existing applications can take advantage of this feature without recompiling or linking to a new version of the client library.
  • You must install the latest version of the database server or recompile or link to the latest version of the database when using it in non-server mode.


Database Internals

Before this enhancement, FairCom DB did not allow reading a data file in reverse physical order if that file contained resource records. For example, calling LSTREC() on such a file would fail with error 48 (FMOD_ERR).

FairCom DB imposed this restriction because resource records can span more than one fixed-length record block in the data file. Thus, scanning backward through a data file could cause the record pointer to end up in the body of a resource record. This is not a problem when reading records in forward order because the start of the resource includes its length, which makes it easy for FairCom DB to skip over the resource record.

FairCom DB eliminated this limitation by creating a list of resource records that contains the offset and length of each one. This list is constructed on the first backward scan call. When a resource is added, deleted, or updated, the resource list is refreshed.
