FairCom's V12 Release introduces a brand new ability to extend their functionality with advanced modular capabilities. Using a new plug‑in architecture advanced features can be quickly dropped in and independently configured plug-ins are provided as a shared object and companion configuration file. Each plug-in is usually self-contained in its own unique folder for organization. All plug-in configurations are collected under a single configuration folder.
Several plug‑ins are provided by default. Provided plug-ins include:
Provided plug-ins are not enabled by default to maximize security. FairCom-provided Plug‑ins are securely implemented; however, they can increase the attack surface by possibly opening additional network ports and listening across alternative communication protocols.
Plug-ins are enabled as needed in your standard FairCom configuration file, ctsrvr.cfg. Each Plug-in is individually enabled with a configuration line that includes its configured name and shared object location.
; Plugins
PLUGIN cthttpd;./web/cthttpd.dll
PLUGIN ctagent;./agent/ctagent.dll
The ctsrvr.cfg configuration file is now located in <faircom>\server\config (this location is optional and existing locations are supported for full backward compatibility).
Learn More:
The FairCom Database Engine ships with several plug-ins that can be used to integrate with it with applications using MQTT, Node-RED, Node.js, etc. These plug-ins can be used with any FairCom product: FairCom DB, FairCom Edge, and c-treeRTG.
Because some of these plug-ins are primarily meant for an IoT environment (e.g., ThingWorx), they are discussed in the FairCom Edge Developer's Guide. For more information on these plug-ins, see Supported Plug-ins in the FairCom Edge Developer's Guide.