Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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Partition Naming

The partition file name is the base file name with the 3-digit raw partition number as the file extension. Only automatic naming is available at this time.

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Maximum Partition Number vs File Size

By default, 16 bits of the 64-bit record offset are used to reference the raw partition number, allowing each partitioned file to support up to 65535 member files over its lifetime. This can be adjusted at create time using the callparm parameter of the extended file creation block, where a value of 0 defaults to 16 bits, values less than 4 bits default to 4 bits (maximum 15 member files), and 32 bits is the maximum value (4,294,967,295 member files). The number of bits determines the total number of raw partitions for the entire life of the host file. This is not the number of partitions active at one time. Raw partitions are not reassigned.
