Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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For now, we make two major assumptions:

  1. The FairCom Database Engine assigns data records to a partition by applying the data file’s partition rule to the partition key; and
  2. Partitions are assigned in increasing order of the partition key values. That is, if KeyValue2 > KeyValue1, then the partition assigned to KeyValue2 will be the same as or after the partition assigned to KeyValue1.

Neither of these two assumptions is absolutely critical, but the second assumption does permit much more efficient key searches when the relationship between key values and partitions is well ordered.

Once the host file is created, the operation of partitioned files should be invisible to the application. The functions that add, update, and delete records are the same for both partitioned and non-partitioned files. However, functions requiring a record offset must use the ctSETHGH() and ctGETHGH() functions, even if the partitioned files are not HUGE to ensure the high-order bytes are included, as described below.

In This Section

Raw Partition Numbers

Unique Keys

Serial Segments (SRLSEG)

Transaction Processing

Set maximum active partitions for auto-purge feature


Partitioned File Security - File password support

Partition Administration Function

Managing Partitions

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Raw Partition Numbers

The raw partition numbers must be 1 or greater. When passing a file position that includes a partition number to a routine, the partition number is encoded in the high-order bits of the high-order word. Ordinarily, the application will only get such information from a call to CurrentFileOffset() followed by a call to ctGETHGH().

Partition numbers are stored in the higher-order bytes of the 64-bit record offset. This allows the ISAM API calls to remain unchanged. Simply change the parameters of your file creation call, and your application is ready to use partitioned files. For this reason, functions requiring a record offset must use the ctSETHGH() and ctGETHGH() functions, even if the partitioned files are not HUGE to ensure these high-order bytes are included.

Partition Ordering and Range Query

Partitions are assigned in increasing order of the partition key values. That is, if KeyValue2 > KeyValue1, then the partition assigned to KeyValue2 will be the same as or after the partition assigned to KeyValue1.

We allow any user-defined expression that evaluates to a numeric value to be used as a partition rule. However, our partition search logic requires that a partition rule assigns partitions in increasing order of the partition key values. That is, the partition function is required to be a monotonically increasing function: for any two partition key values A and B, if A > B then the partition rule must output values p(A) and p(B) such that p(A) > p(B).

We don’t currently check that a user-defined partition rule meets the monotonically increasing property. If a rule is supplied that doesn't have this property, partition queries will return incorrect results such as not finding key values that exist in the table.One example of a function that does not meet this requirement is partitionRule = (partitionKeyValue MOD 12). Note that the values of this function increase then decrease again rather than always increasing as the partition key value increases.

It is up to the developer to be aware of this requirement and to only use partition rules that meet this requirement.

Partition Number Base

Use the PartitionAdmin() function to increase or decrease the lowest permitted partition number, called the “base” partition number. The system enforces an absolute lowest value for the base of one (1), but PartitionAdmin() can be used to change the base as long as it is one or greater. However, when changing this base value, PartitionAdmin() ensures no inconsistencies will arise. For example, one cannot increase the base value if it would eliminate any active or archived partitions (however it can eliminate purged partitions).
