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FairCom ISAM for C

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Function prototype:

NINT ctDeferredIndexControl(pDFKCTL pdfkctl);


The ctDeferredIndexControl() function can be used for monitoring and controlling deferred indexing.

The function accepts one parameter, a pointer to a deferred key control structure:

typedef struct dfkctl {

COUNT version; /* version of this structure */

COUNT opcode; /* operation code */

LONG bufsiz; /* buffer size */

pTEXT bufptr; /* output buffer */

#ifndef ct8P

LONG pad;



To call this function set version to DFKCTL_VERS_CUR to use the current structure version from your c-tree header files, or specify a specific structure version such as DFKCTL_VERS_V01 (version 1 of this structure, which is currently the only version supported).

Set opcode to one of the following values:

  • DFKCTLclearstats - Clear deferred indexing statistics
  • DFKCTLgetstats - Get deferred indexing statistics
  • DFKCTLgetstate - Get deferred indexing thread state
  • DFKCTLgetbilstate - Get background index load thread state
  • DFKCTLpausethrds - Pause deferred indexing threads
  • DFKCTLresumethrds - Resume deferred indexing threads

For opcodes DFKCTLgetstats and DFKCTLgetstate, set bufptr to point to a DFKSTT structure (defined below), and set bufsiz to the size of this buffer.

Statistics and thread state variables are returned in a structure of the following format:

/* deferred indexing statistics */

#define DFKSTTvern 1 /* DFKSTT (deferred indexing stats) version # */

typedef struct dfkstt {

ULONG client_ver; /* client version of structure */

ULONG server_ver; /* server version of structure */

LONG8 tstamp; /* Time stamp: seconds since 70 */

LONG8 opnok; /* Successful file opens */

LONG8 addok; /* Successful adds */

LONG8 delok; /* Successful deletes */

LONG8 rwtok; /* Successful updates */

LONG8 opnerr; /* Failed file opens */

LONG8 adderr; /* Failed adds */

LONG8 delerr; /* Failed deletes */

LONG8 rwterr; /* Failed updates */

LONG8 addskp; /* Skipped adds */

LONG8 delskp; /* Skipped deletes */

LONG8 rwtskp; /* Skipped updates */

LONG qcnt; /* Queue entries */

LONG lognum; /* Log number of current scan pos */

LONG logpos; /* Offset of current scan pos */

DFRKOP curopT; /* Current operation for tran thread */

DFRKOP curopN; /* Current operation for non-tran thread*/


Return Values


Symbolic Constant




Successful operation.

See c-tree Plus Error Codes for a complete listing of valid c-tree Plus error values.


1) Read deferred indexing statistics:

NINT rc;

DFKCTL dfkctl;


dfkctl.verson = DFKCTL_VERS_V01;

dfkctl.opcode = DFKCTLgetstats;

dfkctl.bufsiz = sizeof(dfkstt);

dfkctl.bufptr = (pTEXT) &dfkstt;

if ((rc = ctDeferredIndexControl(&dfkctl)) != NO_ERROR) {

printf("Error: Failed to get deferred indexing statistics: %d\n", rc);

} else {

/* display dfkstt structure members */


2) Read deferred indexing thread state:

NINT rc;

DFKCTL dfkctl;


dfkctl.verson = DFKCTL_VERS_V01;

dfkctl.opcode = DFKCTLgetstate;

dfkctl.bufsiz = sizeof(dfkstt);

dfkctl.bufptr = (pTEXT) &dfkstt;

if ((rc = ctDeferredIndexControl(&dfkctl)) != NO_ERROR) {

printf("Error: Failed to get deferred indexing statistics: %d\n", rc);

} else {

/* display dfkstt structure members */


3) Clear deferred indexing statistics:

NINT rc;

DFKCTL dfkctl;

dfkctl.verson = DFKCTL_VERS_V01;

dfkctl.opcode = DFKCTLclearstats;

if ((rc = ctDeferredIndexControl(&dfkctl))) {

printf("Error: Failed to reset deferred indexing statistics: %d\n", rc);

} else {

printf("Successfully reset deferred indexing statistics.\n");


4) Pause deferred indexing threads.

NINT rc;

DFKCTL dfkctl;

dfkctl.verson = DFKCTL_VERS_V01;

dfkctl.opcode = DFKCTLpausethrds;

if ((rc = ctDeferredIndexControl(&dfkctl))) {

printf("Error: Failed to pause deferred indexing threads: %d\n", rc);

} else {

printf("Successfully paused deferred indexing threads.\n");


5) Resume deferred indexing threads.

NINT rc;

DFKCTL dfkctl;

dfkctl.verson = DFKCTL_VERS_V01;

dfkctl.opcode = DFKCTLresumethrds;

if ((rc = ctDeferredIndexControl(&dfkctl))) {

printf("Error: Failed to resume deferred indexing threads: %d\n", rc);

} else {

printf("Successfully resumed deferred indexing threads.\n");

