Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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Transaction Statistics

(ctPSStransaction SNAPSHOT structure)

The following values are returned:

LONG8 tranno; /* next transaction number */

LONG lowlog; /* oldest active transaction log number */

LONG curlog; /* current transaction log number */

LONG lstpnt; /* last byte position written to log */

LONG lstent; /* last entry on disk or in log buffer */

LONG lstsuc; /* byte position of last SUCTRAN entry */

LONG tfil; /* next transaction file number */

ctstat -vat can be used to view the transaction statistics. Sample output is shown below:

lowlog curlog lstent lstpnt lstsuc tranno tfil

1 4 2702686 2702092 2697872 51806 17298


loglow is the server's lowest-numbered active log.

curlog is the server's current log.

lstent is the offset in the current log where the last entry was written (which may still be in the in-memory log buffer).

lstpnt is the last byte position written to the log file on disk.

lstsuc is the offset of the last SUCTRAN or CLSTRAN entry in the log.

tranno is the next available transaction number.

tfil is the next available transaction file number.
