Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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c-tree’s standalone models have supported the concept of UNIFRMAT for years. In fact, UNIFRMAT is one of c-tree’s most popular features. UNIFRMAT allows machines with alternate architectures related to byte ordering to read and operate on each other’s data.

In the early years of c-tree, the best example of the utilization of this feature was allowing applications in Apple’s Macintosh platform (HIGH_LOW environment) to operate on Windows (LOW_HIGH environment) data.

FairCom extends this feature to the FairCom Server:

  • “HIGH_LOW Host” Server: Operates on LOW_HIGH data (that is, the FairCom Server on Sun Sparc may read Windows data), but not on native HIGH_LOW data.
  • “LOW_HIGH Host” Server: Operates on HIGH_LOW data (that is, the FairCom Server on Intel Linux may read Sun data), but not on native LOW_HIGH data.

This allows an existing system to be replaced with an opposite system without converting the data files. For example, a standard FairCom Server on a Sun Sparc system (HIGH_LOW) could be replaced with a LOW_HIGH Host FairCom Server on a Linux (Intel) system by simply installing the new Linux FairCom Server software and copying the existing data to the Linux system:
