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FairCom ISAM for C

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Server System Event Log

The FairCom Server optionally maintains the System Event Log in the form of a c‑tree data file with a record for each recordable system event. Making the System Event Log as FairCom DB files allows client applications to read the file and make reports. Unlike the CTSTATUS.FCS file, the system log files can be encrypted so entries cannot be added, deleted, or modified with a simple text editor. Vendors can add application specific entries to the log.

The System Event Log contents are controlled by SYSLOG configuration keywords in the Server configuration. They are entered as pairs in the form: SYSLOG <keyword>. As many of these pairs as desired may be used. The current SYSLOG keywords are:

SYSLOG Keyword



Only allow users in the ADMIN group to use SystemLog to create vendor-defined entries in the log.


Log each entry to CTSTATUS.FCS in the System Event Log, except for those entries which occur before or after the system logging monitor is in operation.


Do not allow SystemLog calls for user defined entries.


Log the beginning and end of each dynamic dump and a status result for each file dumped.


Encrypt the SYSLOG files.


Log all logons, logoffs, and changes to user logon profiles.


Used in a settings file to eliminate additional SYSLOG entries in a configuration file.


Causes an automatic purge of the oldest entries in the log if the system cannot add a record to SYSLOGDT.FCS. All the entries occurring on the oldest day are deleted unless there are only entries for the current day in which case no entries are purged. After a successful purge, an attempt is made to add the new entry that triggered the automatic purge. If the add succeeds, the system log operation continues in its usual fashion.


If there is no automatic purge, or it fails, and the configuration includes LOGFAIL_CTSTATUS, the log entries are rerouted to CTSTATUS.FCS. This disables SYSLOG CTSTATUS.


If there is no automatic purge or it fails, and if there is no rerouting to CTSTATUS.FCS, either the system log will stop operation, or if LOGFAIL_TERMINATE is in the configuration file, the FairCom Server will shutdown. USE LOGFAIL_TERMINATE WITH CAUTION!


Logs detailed SQL statement information. This information includes connection information, improved timing, and logging the statement before it is actually executed for a detailed audit trail of all SQL operations.
