Product Documentation

c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbBatchFiltered

FairCom DB API for C

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Retrieves the number of records that are rejected in a batch retrieval operation because they do not match the active filter.


ULONG ctdbDECL ctdbBatchFiltered(CTHANDLE Handle)


  • Handle [IN] - Record handle

Handle must be a record handle associated with an open table.

Return Values

Returns the number of records rejected in a batch retrieval operation that do not match the active filter.

Returns zero if a batch retrieval operation is not active.

The value is significant only if the CTBATCH_RET_FILTER mode has been used in the ctdbSetBatch() call.

See Also

ctdbSetBatchFilter (ctdbSetBatchFilter, ctdbSetBatchFilter)()

ctdbSetBatchRangeOn (ctdbSetBatchRangeOn, ctdbSetBatchRangeOn)()

ctdbSetBatchRangeOff (ctdbSetBatchRangeOff, ctdbSetBatchRangeOff)()
