Convert a packed CTTIMEMS into a string with millisecond precision.
NOTE: See ctdbTimeToString() if you don't need millisecond precision.
CTDBRET ctdbDECL ctdbTimeMsecToString(CTTIMEMS Time, CTTIME_TYPE TimeType, pTEXT pStr, VRLEN size)
FairCom DB API function to convert a timems value (time with milliseconds) to a string.
V11.5 and later support the CTTIME_HMST time format: Time is h|hh:mm:ss.ttt (24-hour time; t is milliseconds). The millisecond portion is optional, if missing it defaults to 0.
This function supports the CTTIME_HHMST mode, which forces the hour to be two digits and returns time as hh:mm:ss.ttt (24 hour).
Return Values
Return CTDBRET_OK on success.
Value |
Symbolic Constant |
Explanation |
0 |
Successful operation. |
See c-tree Plus Error Codes for a complete listing of valid c-tree Plus error values.
See Also
ctdbStringToTimeMsec(), ctdbStringToTime(), ctdbTimeToString()